Final countdown
I´ve worked with my Dakar Challenge 2015-project actively for a year now and the race is now just around the corner. My aim has been to prepare as well as I know how to, considering my resources, and I´ve made mistakes, both big and small. But even though it sounds like a cliché, my mistakes has teached me a lot about many things and without my mistakes I wouldn´t have learned my lessons, which I hope I have.
Trainingwise there is more to lose than to gain at this point, so I have toned down the training, and focused on rehabilitating my slight back and shoulder issues, coping with high altitudes and fine tuning my race strategy. Even the rallybike felt good during my 1 hour test session, I noticed the handlebars didn´t really suit me 100%, so I will change them in Buenos Aires before the start.
Although admittedly I feel a bit nervous of this huge Odyssé I have ahead of me, I´m super excited to finally race the mother of all desert races. I fly to Buenos Aires the 27th of December and the race starts the 4th of January. You can follow me live on , my race number is 163. There will be video clips and other material every day on that site as well. If you have a Facebook account you can like and follow updates on my Ralf Molander Cross Country Rally-Rider page, on twitter (ralfmolander) or Instagram (ralf.dakar).
At this point I would thank each and every one of you, who have been a part (big or small) of my dream journey towards the Dakar, without your help, support, understanding and compassion I would not be here. I also would like to give a special thanks to all my supporters, who despite these difficult times, have believed in my project, I am utterly grateful for all your help!
I wish all you happy holidays and a great new year!
See you after the race!