Up, up and away!

The last three months has gone by and I have mainly focused on getting better, getting back to everyday life and analyzing my experiences. This was the biggest project I have accomplished and I worked quite hard to be as well prepared as I could, and at times it felt like a bit too serious. The reason for this probably was that I thought this would be my only shot at my dream and there would not be another one. I also thought about the things I found annoying and vain, but as time passed I came to realize that those exact things is among the reasons, whe the Dakar is the thoughest rally in the world.

The more time that has passed, the more I feel I may do it again, if the chance arises. I am now wiser and more experienced and know how to do things differently. Although I may be so bold and say that bad luck played a part in my withdraval, since I´ve had similar crashes without any (physical 😉 injury.

Enough with the this cerebral analyzing, my hand is finally healed and I have returned to work. I also went riding and the hand felt good, but still some pain issues probably caused by the scarring. I´ve sold all the bikes, so I´m now looking to get a new one and negotiating about the future events. My current goals concerning rally are modest, but surely I will do some local events.

Hopefully I will be back with some exciting (bike)news!


Photo by Pasi Kurki